The Moment That Changes Your Life Beyond the Panorama August 30, 2021

The Moment That Changes Your Life

Written by Apoorva Dixit

Art, perhaps art can save you from all disasters

So I decided to write

when my heart is overwhelmed,

Overwhelmed with anguish or happiness.

On days like these, 

the world becomes your playground of emotions.

You are in a carnival, stuck on the Ferris wheel

you swing between exhaustion, anxiety,

extreme sadness and a lot of despondency.

It will be hard but think of it as a concert of life,

you are the star and everything will be fine.

And on days like these,

bouts of sadness will creep in through the cracks of your door,

each episode will feel like a maths exam you never prepared for.

But there are always blooming flowers and blue skies

which will never disappoint you, no matter what.

And yes on days like these,

You will have to make difficult choices,

the life-changing ones maybe.

You may stumble upon every hurdle that comes across,

have to get up with both your knees bruised badly

and won’t find anyone offering help.

But there will always be more courage

sleeping at the end of the tunnel in your heart,

and you just need to wake it up.

On days like these, 

You will realise that no matter what

The people you love,

will end up hurting you the most.

Certain things will always remain unanswered

because nobody can ever furnish your heart with the right kind of answers.

So you decide to stop seeking answers

Because happiness will come looking for you

like a long lost friend!

And maybe on days like these,

Your favourite season would feel 

like an aftermath of a pandemic. 

Everyone would have left you 

Stuck in between thunders of agony and misery

But you will surely discover a side of you

that never existed until this moment,

And this moment is all it takes to change your life.

Apoorva Dixit
Apoorva Dixit

Apoorva writes movies and book reviews, poetry that makes you emotional, and her thoughts on society. 

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